Why Choose A+ Rated Windows?

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Opting for A+ windows in your home brings many benefits. They provide excellent thermal insulation, extra security, reduced energy bills, and they also have soundproofing properties. Here we’ve answered some questions about these quality panes.

What Are A+ Rated Windows?

When a window is A+ rated, it means that it is one of the higher performing windows available in terms of energy efficiency. This rating system developed by BFRC helps homeowners to understand that these units will perform well on their property. These higher performing windows are usually double glazed.

What Is Double Glazing?

Double glazed windows exhibit two panes. The space between these is usually filled with a pocket of argon gas which further increases the efficiency of the unit. This is because it helps to slow down heat transfer. Single-paned units are inefficient in comparison and should be replaced if possible.

Double glazed frames bring many benefits. They provide extra security as they are reenforced with a second pane. The added layers also mean that it can reduce the noise heard from outside, so your home is quieter.

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Can Double Glazing Save Me Money?

If your current windows have a poor rating, getting double glazing can save you money. By getting quality panes, it will help keep in the warmth during the winter. It’s likely that older frames are inefficient and would let heat escape. With quality replacements, this means that the heating doesn’t have to be kept on for long. It is possible that replacing your windows can save you money.

How Do I Know When My Windows Need Replacing?

It’s evident that frames and panes need to be replaced when they are damaged, or they are over a certain age. Over time, windows can start to weaken, and they won’t be as efficient as they are when new. If your current frames are 20 years old, it’s important that they are replaced so your home is more efficient. If you can see condensation between your double glazing, this is a sign the system has failed and you will need to get a replacement.

Get In Touch With Us Now For More Information

If you want to reap the benefits of quality frames and panes in your home, contact us today for supply and installation. Our team of expert fitters have plenty of experience working with many types of windows, so you can be confident in our professional installations. We offer uPVC, timber effect, sash and infinity flush designs, so call us today for more information.


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Why Choose A+ Rated Windows?

Opting for A+ windows in your home brings many benefits. They provide excellent thermal insulation, extra security, reduced energy bills, and they also have soundproofing

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